I. Bring-in assignments.
- Poem. During the residential part of the Academy, we will have a poetry evening. Therefore, we ask each of you to select and bring to the first residential part a piece of poem or prose that matters to you personally, e.g. conveys a message, teaching, thoughts or emotions that are somehow important for you or others.
- Leadership failure case (download instructions here). Select and prepare a 1-page written description of one important leadership failure case that you personally faced in the past, presumably in your work or in your civic or community life or in your personal life. Choose a case of your failure that was particularly important for you and you would like to make progress on during the program, one that you are willing to describe and discuss with other fellows of the Academy. To assist you in describing the case, we have prepared a short guide that is downloadable from the link provided above.
- Tiger. Select a ‘tiger’ that you need or want to confront now or in the near future and where you would like to see a breakthrough. By a ‘tiger’ we mean “a difficult decision you need to take or a conversation you know you need to have or a situation you know you need to turn and face, people with whom you need to talk about something bothering you or affecting your work team, organization, family or friendship”.
II. Case studies. Preparing case studies is critical because without it you will not be able to engage and participate in the class. By preparing a case we mean reading it in details, thinking through it, and reflecting upon the study questions.
- Case # 1: Rudi Gassner and Executive Committee in BMG International Preparation questions: Should Rudi change his objectives? What is the rational thing to do? How would you evaluate Rudi’s style? Would you like to work for him? How is the team functioning? Are they a high-powered group?
- Case # 2: Rob Parson in Morgan Stanley. Preparation questions: Should Rob be promoted or not? What impact his promotion or a lack of promotion will have on the company? What is rational to do in view of the mission of the company? How will it influence the culture of the company?
- Case # 3: Taking my former boss to task. Preparation questions: Was Bill a success or a failure? What could he have done differently to avoid the trap and later leaving the company? How did the company respond?
- Case preparation guide: to prepare to the case discussion please read the article “Teaching by the Case Method”.
III. Readings. Please read all the readings in the suggested order.
- Erhard, Jensen, Zaffron (2013). “Integrity: A Positive Model that Incorporates the Normative Phenomena of Morality, Ethics, and Legality – Abridged”.
- Jensen (2009). “Integrity: Without It Nothing Works”.
- Argyris (1991). “Teaching Smart People How to Learn”, Harvard Business Review.
- Cardona and Rey (2009). “Management by Mission: How to Make the Mission Part of Management?”.
- Spreier at al (2006). “Leadership Run Amok”, Harvard Business Review.
- Seneca (60b). “On the Happy Life, In: Dialogues” (PL: suggested language).
- Plato (380c BC). “The Apology of Socrates” (PL: suggested language).
- Orwell (1936). “Shooting An Elephant”.
- Heifetz, Grashow and Linsky (2009). “Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis”.
- Chrislip (2015). “The New Civic Leadership”.
- Senge, Hamilton, and Kania (2015). “The Dawn of System Leadership”.
- Bernstein and Linsky (2016). “Leading Change Through Adaptive Design”.
- Williams (2005). “Real Leadership: Helping People and Organizations Face Their Toughest Challenges”.
- Williams (2015). “Earth Shakers: The Art and Craft of the Global Change Agent”.
- Williams (2002). “Leadership in a Changing World: One-Eyed About Leadership? From Afghanistan to East Timor, the Challenges are Great”.
- Williams (2015). “Leadership for a Fractured World: How to Cross Boundaries, Build Bridges, and Lead Change”.
- Heifetz and Lauri (1997). “The Work of Leadership”. Harvard Business Review.
- Scherer (2016). “Leadership and Power: How Leaders Should Use Their Power”.
- Scherer (2016). “Leadership in the CEE: The Impact of Polish Culture on Leadership and Change”.
- Feinstein (1989). “A Crash Course on Paradigm Thinking”.
- Amabile and Kramer (2012). “To Give Your Employees Meaning, Start with Mission”, Harvard Business Review.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1963). “Letter from the Birmingham Jail”.
IV. Videos. Please watch the following videos.
Download in PDF here (no link yet).
1. Check-in and the start of the first residential part of the Academy
It is very important that you check-in at the Pałac Nowa Wieś between 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm on Sunday, September 19th. We suggest that you arrive earlier and have a relaxing lunch before we start.
2. Check-out and the end of the first residential part of the Academy
The last session will take place on Saturday, September 25th, morning and the official check-out will be at 1:00 pm, however, we will proceed with the program until 6:00 pm.
3. Dress code
Smart casual up to business casual is appropriate for the whole duration of the program, including welcome and closing dinners. We want you to feel relaxed so there is no need for suites.
4. Sportswear
Please bring to the hotel your sportswear (shoes, clothing) and – if possible, your yoga mat – we will have morning exercises.
5. Laptops
It is important that all fellows have their private laptops during the program – most assignments will be communicated online. However, all laptops should be kept in rooms for evening study and must not be brought for the sessions in the lecture hall.
6. Complimentary notebooks
All Fellows will receive a complimentary notebook for making notes and assignments during the whole Academy. It is important that you have your notebooks with you during all the sessions.
7. Name tags
All fellows will receive personal name tags. We ask you to have your name tag in a visible place on your attire during the sessions.
8. Where to sit in the lecture hall
For every session, when you come into the lecture hall, please take the frontmost and centermost seat available. Please follow this instruction, even if you prefer not to sit close to the front. Moreover, for every session, please sit next to someone you have not sat next to before.
9. Group meeting locations
You are free to choose any location that does not interfere with your work. If the weather is nice, you can use the beautiful garden of the Pałac Nowa Wieś for your group meetings.
10. Session’s schedule
You will be provided with a detailed program schedule a few days prior to the start of the Academy. Please remember that participation in each session is obligatory.
11. Internet
While there will be a Wi-Fi network available at the hotel, we recommend that all fellows have their own independent internet access (e.g. through mobile phone). This is because all assignments will be communicated online and it is important that you have uninterrupted internet access throughout the whole program.
1. Contact information
If you need any assistance during the residential part please contact Agnieszka Domieniecka on her cell phone: +48 502 977 447.
2. Hotel manager contact information
On topics related closely to your stay at the hotel, you can contact the Pałac Mała Wieś reception at recepcja@palacmalawies.pl or +48 782 40 40 40, stating that you are a member of the Leadership Academy for Poland Class of 2021.
1. Venue
Pałac Mała Wieś, Mała Wieś.
Website: www.palacmalawies.pl.
2. Traveling
By far the easiest way to reach Pałac Mała Wieś is by car: the hotel is located about 1-hour drive from Warsaw.
3. Food and beverages
Coffee, tea, and water will be served during the sessions. Breakfast and lunch will be provided during the whole residential part along with the welcome and closing dinners. For the rest of the dinners, you can take advantage of the hotel restaurant’s menu.
4. Amenities at the Pałac Mała Wieś
- Beautiful garden and lake with boats
- Slow food restaurant
- Boats, bikes, and other sport equipment
- Massage center (pre-booking required)
We hope that you will enjoy your stay and benefit from the Academy professionally and personally.
Please, monitor government pandemic regulations provided here. At this moment we plan to meet face-to-face. However, we will monitor the regulations and will adjust accordingly.
- Please read and fill out this questionnaire as soon as possible: by September 6, Monday 11:59 pm.
- Read Epidemiological Control Card.
Residential session safety procedure:
- All participants have to read the epidemiological control card (see above).
- All participants who (a) have not been fully vaccinated before September 5th or (b) have not recovered from a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 5 months – are obliged to get tested for SARS-CoV-2 with RT-PCR 72h before the residential session.
- Participants with negative results of RT-PCR obtained 72h or less before the session can take part in the meeting as well as participants fully vaccinated before September 5th and those who recovered from a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 5 months.
On the Online Patient Account you can find your vaccination certificate and download a QR code that confirms that you are vaccinated. Please have it with you at the session.
I. Details
Date: September 19-25, 2021
Venue: Pałac Mała Wieś
II. Program Schedule
Please download the schedule for the first residential part here.
III. Campus Assignments and Study Materials
ALL SLIDES: (will be updated after the first residential session)
Day 1
Assignment — Slides — Groups
Day 2
Assignment — Slides
Day 3
Assignment — Slides
Day 4
Assignment — Slides
Day 5
Assignment — Slides
Day 6
Assignment — Slides
Day 7