Prof. Wójcik’s leadership seminar ranked no. 1 among 30 leading universities
We are proud to announce that prof. Wójcik’s leadership lecture was chosen the best seminar among 30 leading universities included in CEMS.
CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education, is a global association of best business schools and corporate institutions dedicated to educating and preparing future generations of international business leaders. The members of CEMS work collectively to develop knowledge and provide education that is essential in the business world. One of the ways to achieve this goal is CEMS Master’s in International Management studies. Prof. Wójcik’s seminar is an important part of this program.
Prof Wójcik’s seminar received a 4,87 mark from his student on a 1 (worst) to 5 (best) grading scale. Students were also asked to list the strengths of the seminar.
– The course was extremely enlightening, and provided great value to the students. – said one of them.