
A unique experience and life-changing education for a better world from the heart of Poland.



The purpose of the Leadership Academy for Poland is to bring world-class education to Poland and provide outstanding Poles with access to one of Europe’s best leadership development programs. World-class educators, including Harvard professors and other leading international scholars and speakers, deliver interactive classes in a deeply immersive setting and are available for consultations and closed meetings with the participants. The Academy is an opportunity for a deep reflection that re-centers, refreshes, and inspires. It also offers practical insights on how to positively reshape ongoing projects, careers, and life.

Our promise is that the Academy will provide the participants with a unique and life-changing experience and a standing resource for their future leadership work and personal life.

Program Schedule 2024


First Residential Session: September 29- October 5, 2024
Second Session: 28.11.2024 & 29.11.2024
Closing Session & Graduation: 16.01.2025 & 17.01.2025

All residential sessions take place in Poland.

Key Features of the Academy:

  • Mid-career (up 45 years of age) participants from non-profits, startups, academia, public administration, business, media, and culture sectors
  • Up to 40 fully funded, need-based, fellowships available to outstanding candidates
  • Meetings with Harvard professors, top-level business and community leaders, and international scholars
  • Unique, world-class, educational and professional development training
  • Powerful alumni network of high-potential professionals across sectors who will have a positive impact on Poland and the world

Academy’s Experience

While most other programs stop just after you’ve done the main coursework, the Academy continues beyond the core program in order to create a valuable support system for our Fellows so that they can make a bigger positive impact for Poland and for the world.

Academy This Year

Each year the Academy grows and offers new unique development and connection opportunities – this year the whole Academy’s experience will include:

  • 5-month core program;
  • Alumni Support Program upon graduation – closed meetings with alumni and special guests, continues education and social events;
  • Leadership Nests™ – licensing and participation;
  • Up to 12 Leadership Nests™L-Nest meetings per year;
  • Access to the Advanced Management Program (AMP) & world-class leadership training post-graduation (for alumni and partners only);
  • Harvard licensing;

+ Life-long Alumni Status.

In addition:

  • Educational events (closed meetings with guest educators and special guests);
  • Occasional tutoring by Academy’s educators;
  • Social events (New Year’s party, mixer parties, opera, and museum trips, etc.);
  • Readings and other educational materials;
  • Alumni reunions.


We offer up to 40 need-and-merit based fellowships for outstanding candidates. The Academy is at no or at a significantly reduced cost, except for a part of personal accommodation and travel expenses, and the commitment contribution. We cover part of the accommodation costs and help with travel.

Fellowships are made possible by the generous support of our Partners.

If you too want to support outstanding Poles and become a fellowship benefactor by partnering with the Academy, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Fellows about the Academy: