The Application Results Will Be Announced Soon!

We would like to thank all the candidates for your applications to the Leadership Academy for Poland – Class of 2017. We appreciate your time and effort very much, as well as your personal commitment that you have made by applying to the Academy. For the last few weeks, we have been working very hard to review all the applications and we need to admit that each one of you has something unique to offer.
We are very impressed with the great number of wonderful candidates. Comparing to the last edition, we have received even more diverse applications. Around 40% of candidates are coming from the business sector and almost 15% from academia. Fewer candidates are coming from non-profits (12%), and other sectors, in particular startups (8,9%), public administration (6%), media (6,6%), culture (2,3%), and sport (1%). The average age of the applicants is around 35 years, with the oldest candidate having 55 years and the youngest 20 years. We have almost 55% of open applications and around 45% coming from our nominating partners, which means that the application process is very open to all talented and passionate people from Poland. What is more, we have received almost equal number of applications from men (53,8%) and women (46,2%).
The LAP 2017 class will include 40 participants from different sectors because as we underline – the diversity across sectors is very important to us. We strongly believe that people with different backgrounds will significantly deepen their understanding of leadership and the unique contribution they can make. We want to connect outstanding Poles who will shape the future of Poland and the world. We were able to achieve it in the last edition, and we will do our best not to make this year different.
The dates of our residential sessions of the LAP 2017 are already confirmed, and we cannot wait to meet all the participants at our beautiful campus in Herbarium Hotel.
Once again, thank you for your applications. Stay tuned as in the next couple of days you will receive an email from us!